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Can Tree Roots Damage A Foundation – Killer Tomatoes

Can Tree Roots Damage A Foundation – Killer Tomatoes

In the past few days I learned first hand that if trees are growing too close to your homes foundation, your foundation may be at risk of serious damage.  My home is under an attack of the tree roots and my search on, “can tree roots damage a foundation” did not show the “killer tomatoes” urgency of the matter.  

I asked landscapers and other local professionals, can tree roots damage a foundation?  The answer I received as they looked at the trees near my foundation was, probably not.  In addition, I searched the internet because this tree is very prolific and continually sprouted up a new fast growing tree near my foundation.  If you have a tree, or multiple trees too close to your home and you are anything like me, I am really concerned about my home.   

The Tree Roots Damage To Foundation Question

About the “tree roots damage to foundation” question, local professionals and answers from the internet did not motivate me to do anything to protect my home from danger.  But then I did the same thing I would recommend for you, I followed my own instinct and what I found out next is shocking.  

I can show you some pictures, but if you’re wondering can tree roots damage a foundation, this is an urgent warning because these are disturbing images and this is scary.  Viewer discretion advised. 

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes

Did you ever think of something laughable, or somehow inappropriate when you are about to cry?  Having a cracked foundation from tree roots is really no joke, so I am looking at my foundation and this funny old movie called “Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes” comes to mind.  I saw the movie when I was a child and remember it as kind of a spoof movie, comedy horror.  Wow, this is crazy. 

Neighbors Tree Roots Damaging My Foundation

I showed the neighbor pictures of my yard and asked her if she knows anything about this question, “can tree roots damage a foundation”, or if she noticed this tree…  I saw the same tree in her side yard and that brings up a bigger question.  Are my neighbors tree roots damaging my foundation?  

I do not think they are right now because that tree is relatively young, and far enough from my foundation, but I warned her about the invasive tree and even offered to dig it out.  It probably spread from my yard anyway and knowing this tree, it will continue to grow and proliferate like a crazy tree.  I’ll ask her again and maybe she’ll let me dig it out. 

How To Kill An Invasive Tree 

Whether you have one, or many then you want to know how to kill an invasive tree.  One common method is cutting the tree down.  The problem with that method is if your tree is prolific like mine, it will sprout new trees from the trunk and all around the tree.  Some people cut the tree down, then pour a chemical tree killer on the cut or into the stump.  This method might work but if you are like me and want to grow your own food, or protect the environment, then you do not want to pour chemicals into your soil.  

Homemade Tree Killer

If you do not want to dig up the tree and pull it out by the roots like I am doing, there are a couple of simple homemade tree killer ideas that work well.  You can cut the tree down and drill a hole in the trunk.  There are two ingredients that you probably have in your home and can pour into the hole.  Pour salt, or vinegar into it, or to speed up the process of killing the tree, pour both ingredients into multiple drilled holes.  You can repeat that several times for a month and that should kill the tree.   

Wrap Up 

I am really thankful that I decided to start digging to answer the question, “can tree roots damage a foundation” for myself.  Now that I know how dangerous this tree is I can pull it up immediately if it ever starts growing anywhere in my yard again.  They are easy to dig up and get the root when they are young, but this tree grows fast so it’s important to keep an eye on it.  

In the end, I only hope my story today saves at least one person from the attack of the killer tree root, because then it will be worth the Back breaking yard digging, blisters, tears, crazy memories and the pain I am experiencing.   


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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