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Top 5 Natural Pesticides For Garden Vegetables

Top 5 Natural Pesticides For Garden Vegetables

There is a safe alternative to chemical pesticides for your garden, in the form of natural pesticides for garden vegetables.  Generally composed of natural substances from plants and trees, natural pesticides have fewer side effects and are non-toxic for humans consumption. 

Crop rotation is a natural pesticide strategy that does not require application of any substance on your plants. If your health and longevity, or caring for the environment is part of why growing your own food is appealing, using natural pesticides is something that might also interest you.   

Chemical pesticide use is identified as one of the main causes of pollution. When pesticides are ingested they can cause cancer and may other health problems.  How is it possible to keep your garden protected if pesticides are so bad?

Neem Oil Pesticide

Neem oil has been used for a long time as one of the great natural pesticides for garden vegetables, and is a derivative of the Azadirachta Indica tree seed. Before applying neem oil pesticide in your garden, there are some things you should consider. 

  1. Higher doses of neem oil pesticide can kill some plants, so it is a good idea to test the neem oil on a small part of each type of plant before using it on a large area. 
  2. With a high of a dosage or with direct sunlight, neem oil pesticide may burn the plant.  Carefully follow dosage directions and apply it in the evening when the sun starts to set

    Generally neem oil pesticide is a safe essential oil and is not toxic for human consumption in small doses.

Diatomaceous Earth As Pesticide

Diatomaceous Earth as pesticide is a very good solution.  This non-toxic pest control is a made of ground up fossils. When you apply this substance around a plant and invasive insect pests walk on the Diatomaceous Earth it causes micro cuts on the body of the insect.  Then the insect dies of dehydration. 

Apply diatomaceous earth as pesticide on the base of a plant.  You can also mix it with water and spray the solution directly on the plant.  Be sure to rinse your fruits or vegetables like you normally would because you probably don’t want to eat the diatomaceous earth solution.

Horticultural Oil

When you need a natural pesticide for garden vegetables, try the horticulture oil called a summer oil or a dormant oil.  The vegetable based variety of horticultural oil is preferred.  When there are still leaves on trees, summer oils are used, for plant safety.  Kill bugs that may be dormant over the winter with dormant oils.  When the leaves have fallen from the trees is the best time to apply dormant oils.

Use similar testing as with neem oil, by first applying summer or dormant oil on a small area of the plant before using it for the whole thing.  Do not apply dormant oil in direct sunlight– evening is the best time for oil application.

Handpicking Pest Control

One of the most natural methods of pest control is simply picking bugs off the plants.  Handpicking pest control may be a little tedious, but there is no risk to the plants and no dangerous chemicals. 

Here is a good trick using a shop-vac and a small hose, gently sucking up bugs from a plant– Some of the more delicate plants may not be able to handle the vacuum, but handpicking pest control using the vacuum is a little faster method for the right plants.

Companion Planting

Companion planting is another method of natural insect control that is risk free.  This is an advanced planning strategy using plants that work well together.  Some plants naturally protect other plants. If you want productive tomato plants, for example, grow basil near the tomato plants because basil drives mosquitos and flies away.  Also, potatoes grown near the tomatoes risk something called “rotting disease”, which can spread from your potatoes to your tomato plants.  For this reason, potatoes and tomatoes should be kept away from one another.

Natural Pesticides For Garden Vegetables Wrap Up

There are many natural pesticides for garden vegetables to consider and protect your plants from dangerous pests.  Harsh chemicals are no longer needed for growing your own food, or to have a very beautiful garden.


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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