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A Quick Guide to Aquaponic Setup

A Quick Guide To Aquaponic Setup

This quick guide to aquaponic setup provides a great solution for growing your own food any time of the year and in any environment. Different types of aquaponics systems allow growing food anywhere. You can also setup an aquaponics rig indoors to satisfy your gardening needs.

The lack of yard space causes a struggle for growing your own food. Sometimes the challenge is living in a cold climate with limited sunlight. There are solutions for these gardening challenges and this guide to aquaponic setup encourages the benefits of homegrown food.

What Is Aquaponics?

Aquaponics is a system designed to copy the results of a natural environment by using bacteria and composting red worms to convert the solid waste and ammonia from the fish into plant food. Aquaponics is a hydroponic-based solution for growing plants with vital plant nutrients provided by the fish and the plants naturally cleaning the fish water.

Hydroponic-based definition is plants growing in water, rather than soil. Plants are grown on top of or near a fish tank in aquaponics. They are in a bed generally consisting of a kind of gravel or clay pellets.

Depending on preference, ornamental or edible aquaponics fish live in the fish tank, naturally producing waste. Then, bacteria in the same tank breaks down the waste into minerals, nutrients and mainly nitrates usable by the plants. Nutrient infused water is then delivered to the plants by a pump or depending on the system design, by exposed plant roots directly to the water in the tank.

Aquaponic Setup Equipment That Is Needed

For knowledge about how to setup an aquaponics system, first know that the aquaponics equipment needed depends on what type of aquaponics used. The three main setups are the following: media beds, deep water culture, and nutrient film.

Whatever aquaponics setup is chosen, it requires a fish tank. The tank size depends on the type and what quantity of fish is used. This is determined by factors like are the fish ornamental or edible and how many plants is the aquaponics equipment designed to grow.

Three Types Of Aquaponic Setup Plans

  1. Media Beds – The media bed set up uses planters located either on the side, or directly above the fish tank. Inside the tank there is a pump for moving water above the plants, to a watering rig. This setup delivers water from the tank to the plants. The water then filters through the plants and media pebbles to help replenish the tank.
  2. Deep Water Culture – This simple aquaponics setup uses floating planters in the tank. The plants roots exposed directly to the water and a pump or watering rig is not needed.
  3. Nutrient Film – The hybrid cross between the other setup plans is called the nutrient film set up. The water is pumped through PVC pipes from the tank. The plants’ roots grow into tiny holes that are drilled into the pipes. The plants absorb nutrients from the water flowing through the pipes.

What Kinds Of Aquaponics Fish Types Do You Use?

What aquaponics fish types to use is an important question for your aquaponic setup. Consider the size of your setup based on available space and how many plants you want to grow.

Another important factor is whether you want an edible or ornamental fish system. There are many aquaponics fish types to choose from depending on your needs and desires.

In the edible fish category, Tilapia are known to be low maintenance– they are resilient and rarely spread disease, and the ability to withstand a wide range of conditions. So, if you want fish you can eat, tilapia is a very good option. For a few ornamental fish ideas, other aquaponics fish possibilities include goldfish, koi, and carp.

The Best Plants For Aquaponics System Setups?

When learning about aquaponics, people often ask about the best plants for aquaponics system setups. The simple answer is, grow anything you normally grow in traditional soil.

There are some plants however that are better for aquaponics growing than others. For example, leafy green vegetables, basil, and mint grow exceptionally well with aquaponics. Tomatoes, squash, beans, cucumbers, and other vining plants are also a great choice for growing in your aquaponic setup.

What Are The Benefits Of Aquaponics?

There are many benefits of aquaponics and a few of them are listed here.

  1. using an aquaponic setup rig requires less overall maintenance for the plants and the fish.
  2. The fish can serve as either pets or food, depending on your preference.
  3. Aquaponics also lends itself well to organic gardening, because any chemicals you use will ultimately hurt your fish and your rig.
  4. Plants grow Faster using Aquaponics vs traditional gardening.
  5. Using Less chemicals to grow your own food means you are benefitting the environment.

Aquaponic Setup Wrap Up

The aquaponic setup rig makes growing your own food accessible even when your outdoor space is too small for a traditional garden. There are may reasons an aquaponics rig might be the best gardening method to use and whether it is cold temperatures, year around harvests or growing more food in a small space, rigs are easy to maintain and simple to set up.


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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