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The Wizardly Benefits Of Planting Fruit Trees

The Wizardly Benefits Of Planting Fruit Trees

I am dreaming of picking fresh blueberries off my blueberry trees next season. I  love planting fruit trees, and I’m thinking of the Wizard Of Oz., because Dorothy was from the farm in Kansas.

After learning about creating a food forest, I knew that I want to do this. I am excited every day about home grown fruits and vegetables.

There are so many benefits of planting fruit trees and as I naturally become more aware with time, it is almost surprising that I didn’t start sooner. I mean, why do we plant grass, or a fruitless tree in the yard, then buy fruit from the store?

Okay, maybe there are good reasons to do that sometimes, but over time it became the standard thing to do, rather than growing healthy food. With the price of food going up, environmental issues, widespread pesticide usage and starving people in the world, I am thankful to be growing food.

You know, Wizard Of Oz is not only incredibly entertaining, but there are some great lessons and great characters in this classic film.

I Am The Scarecrow In The Wizard Of Oz

Speaking of Oz, before I realized my passion for growing your own food… it wasn’t even a thought. With the internet, information age there is so much to learn…  before, it’s almost like I don’t have a brain.   Like the scarecrow in Wizard Of Oz!  Remember the brainless, good looking [not scary], but funny scarecrow man with amazing acting chops and an incredible voice? 

Yes, I remember him because Dorothy set him free and he helped Dorothy find her way on the yellow brick road.  Anyway, he had a few redeeming qualities, but when it comes to growing your own food and planting fruit trees, he is a very familiar character.

In fact, recent UN estimates show that by 2050, our world population will increase by 40 percent exceeding nine billion people.  Eighty percent of the world population will live in cities.  With traditional farming practices and current consumption patterns, the worlds land will not be enough to produce sufficient food for the growing population.    

7 Benefits Of Planting Fruit Trees In Oz 

Here is my short list of the benefits of planting fruit trees in Oz.  

  1. Enjoy The Beautiful Outdoor Scenery – Maybe they were a little defensive, but did you see the beautiful apple trees in The Wizard Of Oz? Imagine that view in your yard.
  2. Promote Well-Being – I love the feeling of walking through any forest, or even sitting near one fruit tree.  The feeling is so good that it is almost indescribable and it is magnified by many times in a fruit bearing food forest.
  3. Preserve Health – Fruit is not only delicious but also provides countless health benefits.  It tastes even better and retains more of the nutritious value when grown in your yard. 
  4. Strengthen Your Community – When there is an abundance of fruit it is easy to share and it naturally brings people together with community sharing.  I often travel the world on extended travels and my neighbor who is a friend of mine introduced me to his mother so she can water my fruit trees while I am traveling.  
  5. Eco-Friendly Solutions for Global Issues – We can rant, rave, and spend our time blaming the big corporations, and it is well deserved, but will that change anything?  Probably not, but we have the power to contribute to reversing the damage we as humans are collectively creating.  Planting fruit trees in your yard is a great start.  
  6. Protect Wildlife –  Trees provide shelter and food for insects, birds, lichen and fungi.  Relax with your gardening so mother nature can provide her natural process of restoration.  This is the idea of the food forest which is an exciting and amazing concept. . 
  7. Support Reduced Shipping – When produce is grown locally it benefits people and it benefits our environment. Fossil fuels are burned in shipping, resources are lost in packaging, transporting and storing food.

 Like Tin Man In Wizard Of Oz

 The Tin Man in Wizard Of Oz is another talented, generous fellow.  Taking on “The Attack Of The Killer Tree Root” or chopping down a tree with an axe is a life threatening hazard, but sunshine or rain, growing your own food and planting fruit trees is healthy and simple for most of us.  Gardening in your yard takes heart and I imagine that Tin Man would be Proud. 

Cowardly Lion In Wizard Of Oz Planting Fruit Trees

Remember the cowardly lion in Wizard Of Oz?  He gained great courage and we can also choose to gain more courage. Do what is needed for our future as an exercise of courage.  This is another reason why growing your own food and planting fruit trees is important.  

Whether we live in the city or the country, we can learn to work together with nature.  This is not only for our own benefit but also for friends, family and neighbors around us, not to mention the children and their future.


The Wizard Of Oz Named The Most Influential Movie Ever Made


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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