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Top 6 Organic Gardening Soils For A Natural Garden

Top 6 Organic Gardening Soils For A Natural Garden

When you want to start a natural garden, thinking about what kind of soil to use is one of the most important things to consider. There are many available organic gardening soils — is one product choice providing better gardening results than another?

Soil absolutely makes a big difference. Some organic gardening soils are better than others and they provide a better result in your natural garden. Organic soils are much better than chemical and pesticide-ridden counterparts for several reasons. One reason is because organic soil is alive with nutrient-rich animal waste and plant matter which creates ideal conditions for growing your healthy plants. If you would like to grow a natural garden, with no chemicals, use high quality organic soil.

Another good reason for using organic soil is because it benefits our environment. Not using chemicals in your garden means you are not adding to toxic run-off, which causes a big pollution problem especially in the United States.

Ultimately, organic soil is better for you plants. It helps them to grow stronger and healthier with more beautiful flowering and better crop yields than non-organic soils. Another important factor is organic soil retains water longer which can save water, save plants during droughts and cut down on garden maintenance.

Here are several of the best brands of organic soil available online and in stores.

1. FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil

Use FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil for indoor gardening and container planting soil. The Ocean Forest soil mixture contains components from both the ocean and the forest, as suggested by the name. Peat moss, sandy loam, bat guano, crab meal, and earthworm castings are the ingredients of this mixture.

2. Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Soil

Use Black Gold Natural & Organic Potting Soil anywhere. The price is competitive and the soil is nutrient-dense with a mixture of loam, perlite, and pumice. Formulated regionally depending on your zone, Black Gold soil is for your area which means it contains different organic matter. Buy the correct soil for your area and get a great result.

3. Roots Organics ROD75 Growing Media

Roots Organics ROD75 Growing Media has a base of coco-fiber and provides the highest yield possible for your garden. Perlite, pumice and earthworm castings are the ingredients of Roots Organics organic soil. It also contains bat guano, soybean meal, humic acid, and glacial rock dust. With its great versatility, use this soil anywhere.

4. Burpee Organic Premium Potting Mix

The coconut coir is in Burpee Organic Premium Potting Mix partially to help this soil retain moisture longer. This allows you to water less often to save water and save time. Burpee plant food is also an ingredient of Burpee Organic Premium Potting Mix helping your plants to thrive. Whether growing in a container or gardening in raised beds, this potting mix is ideal.

5. Nature’s Care Incredible Expanding Potting Soil

Nature’s Care Incredible Expanding Potting Soil expands three times after watering. Expanding Potting Soil is extra lightweight and designed for growing in container gardens. This potting soil is designed to retain water and oxygen better than traditional soil and allows for a more healthy root system.

6. Nature’s Living Soil Organic SuperSoil Concentrated Strength

Organic Supersoil with Nature’s Living Soil is made with microorganisms that give plants the needed nutrients. Your plants still need water, but you will not need to feed them because Natures Living Soil keeps them happy. Nature’s Living Soil Organic Supersoil is best for container gardening.

Wrap Up

Organic gardening is definitely something worth considering. If you are concerned about eating chemicals on store bought produce, GMOs, or about the environment. There are many reasons to go organic and the best tasting fruits and veggies are from your own garden. The key to a great garden is finding the best soil for your garden. With the many great organic soil options available, a little trial and error is all it takes.


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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