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Your Permaculture Homestead Farm Airbnb Infused

Your Permaculture Homestead Farm Airbnb Infused

You can have your own permaculture homestead farm, airbnb style. One, or two of these urban permaculture methods are for an airbnb farm stay, and the others are for an airbnb urban farming lifestyle.  Create a very enjoyable, rewarding experience depending on what you want. Here are a few ideas to begin with.

  1. Rent an airbnb homestead for your desired farm stay vacation. This can be any kind of farm based on the vacation experience you want.
  2. Take advantage of Airbnb experiences with a farm tour or another farm related experience on your vacation. 
  3. Rent a second urban or country home, set it up as an airbnb with aquaponics or container gardening.
  4. Post your spare bedroom or mother in law suite back house on Airbnb, or buy a second home and post it with airbnb to start your permaculture homestead farm airbnb.

In this series of articles I am going to reveal ideas, some of which I am already using, for how to make money with multiple complimentary strategies with an Airbnb Infused homestead farm.  We also explore how to travel and enjoy your own unique permaculture homestead stay, or an amazing airbnb farm experience.    

This post provides information for using airbnb to support your dreams. Whether you want a temporary garden view experience, a more involved gardening lifestyle, keep reading.

Airbnb Farm Stay Vacation

Enjoy your own permaculture homestead on this beautiful, relaxing farm stay vacation.  This is the most delicious and enjoyable experience you can imagine.  You choose, because It can be like your own beautiful urban farm house, or like your personal farm resort.

Imagine being able to automatically support our local farmers while on an amazing vacation and enjoy the fruits of their labor at the same time.  It is almost like you own your own farm for days, weeks or even longer if you choose, but without the hard work.  In fact, larger farms receive government subsidies to get by, but small farms are using vacation rentals as an added income.  So, the extra business is not only appreciated by local farmers it is an important part of their business income. 

Farm Airbnb Experience

Airbnb Experience is a relatively new service rolled out in 2019.  You can enjoy many different kinds of local experiences hosted by locals, while on your worldwide vacation travels. 

The Farm Airbnb experience may provide an experience on a rural farm, an urban farm tour or any other farm experience across the globe that you can imagine.  Enjoy your vacation and while you are at it, enjoy a farming experience, or many amazing experiences on your travels. 

Challenges For Airbnb Urban Farming

If you are anything like me, you may have dreams and goals of enjoying a beautiful garden.  You might even consider growing your own food, urban farming and eventually having your own permaculture homestead farm airbnb.  How about owning multiple food forests in your favorite locations for seasonal living around the world? 

For most people there are at least a few challenges for that dream.  Here are a few of the challenges and solutions for growing your own food or starting an urban farm.

  1. You have a regular job, a family or other responsibilities that take too much time.  What is it about growing your own food that appeals to you?  Is it the relaxation, physical work out or eating delicious healthy produce after harvest?  I have found that if my reason is big enough then the ideas and resources for making time to do what you love eventually appear.  
  2. You don’t own your home, or a plot of land for any kind of a farm, or Airbnb rental?  You can be profitable on airbnb pretty quickly even with a rental property.  It is possible to rent a home, or a plot of land for urban farming or for farming in the country.  It’s possible to cover some or all of your costs with an airbnb rental or multiple airbnb rentals.   By the way, if all of your costs are covered maybe there is no longer a need for your regular job?  It’s not required to quit your job but if you want to or need to, it’s always nice to have the financial flexibility to do what you want.  If you do go the rental route, you might want to mention your plans and make them known as part of your rental agreement to make sure your landlord doesn’t have a problem with it.
  3. You have no clue about how to get started with urban farming or urban permaculture?  Many years ago in the past most families naturally did farming and everyone knew how.  Fast food,  grocery stores and urban development created a new kind of lifestyle and through the generations we lost the farming skills.   Today, we are becoming more aware that processed foods are not our most healthy choice.  The meat and processed food industry hurts the environment, and is not humane for animals.  For these reasons, urban farming is becoming more popular again. 

    I did not learn much about gardening as a child. Now I notice what urban gardeners are doing through youtube, books and personal conversations. I just covered my home lawn with cardboard and wood chips to begin amending the soil. I also started planting fruit trees. 

    There is some great urban farming lessons online and in books about gardening.   There are also local farmers happy to share their knowledge.  Woofing is another way to learn about farming through expert farmers. 
  4. You want the garden benefits, without the labor intensive urban homestead?  One of the biggest downsides of owning a homestead farm is being tied down to cultivate the farm.  That is why I prefer permaculture and food forest strategies to minimize the amount of work required to manage the homestead. If your airbnb infused homestead is profitable enough, you can hire help. The rewards of farming are many but is it worth taking the time to set up the systems? For myself, I’d say yes, but obviously that is a question for each of us as individuals.

4. Create A Permaculture Homestead Farm Airbnb

Create a permaculture homestead farm Airbnb infused.   I am in the beginning stages of preparing my Airbnb urban homestead for growing as much food as possible requiring only the smallest amount of maintenance.  I covered the grass with free cardboard from local stores and wood chip mulch which is easy to get for free from the city or other local sources.  Wood chips help as they break down and begin amending the soil for your growing needs. 

I just planted some apple trees, avocado trees and blackberry bushes.  My neighbor is watering once per week while I make an extended trip to the Philippines.  

I am excited to explore the Philippines because this is my first trip to that country.  I’ll be sure to connect with local gardeners to share more global gardening knowledge as I travel the world.  

Permaculture Homestead Farm Airbnb Wrap Up

When it comes to growing your own food and traveling like a nomad, you might think the two do not go together very well.  Maybe you like home gardening as a hobby or urban farming as a business.  If you love to travel and you enjoy urban farming or urban permaculture, keep following along for more knowledge about permaculture homestead farm Airbnb infused.  


With two conflicting passions of extended travels and gardening will the plants die while we are gone? We look for creative ideas to grow your own food. What began as a desire to have more high quality organic fruit and vegetables has become a mission to eat more healthy protect the animals and the environment with more sustainable home gardening habits. There are many benefits to learning farming or home gardening skills. Knowledge is power!

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